Destination Basque COUNTRY
Between land and ocean, wild and authentic
Nestled between the immensity of the ocean, the hills of the hinterland and the high Pyrenean peaks, the Basque Country offers a total change of scenery where culture, gastronomy and traditions are firmly anchored.
The Basques live in a region divided into 7 provinces split between the South- West of France and the North-West of Spain. Labourd, Basse-Navarre and Soule are the three French Basque provinces.
“Euskal Herria or Euskadi” means Basque Country. The term “Euskal” refers to “Euskara”, which is the Basque language.
Basque cuisine is generous, tasty and with a strong character, just like its region and inhabitants. Very subtle, it mixes the influences of its maritime seaboard and its hinterland. Highly typical, the Piperade, in the colours of the regional flag, is a mixture of tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers, seasoned with Espelette pepper. It goes with many dishes.
Irouléguy wines, Kintoa pork, Ossau-Iraty sheep’s cheese and Espelette pepper are the 4 AOP products that you will discover in Basque Country.
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